Do you need help with a new or existing verification?

Employment Check


Employment Check

Service Overview:

DOUBLE CHECK conducts a thorough review of employment histories, verifying past positions, job roles, and periods of employment with respective companies.

Inaccurate or falsified employment histories can lead to unsuitable hires, workplace complications, and even reputational damage. By ensuring an applicant's job history is authentic, we facilitate sound hiring decisions and foster workplace trust.

Why it's important:

An individual's employment history is an insight into their skills, reliability, and adaptability. By ensuring the accuracy of this history, organizations can make informed hiring decisions, foster a reliable work environment, and minimize potential workplace conflicts. False employment claims can lead to misalignment in roles, a breakdown in team dynamics, and can even jeopardize project outcomes.

Expert Hiring: Secure the right talent for the right role based on factual employment histories.

Trust in Teams: Build teams with full confidence in every member's professional journey.

The Challenge: In the competitive job market, embellished or even entirely fabricated employment histories are becoming more common. Differentiating between authentic claims and exaggerations is crucial.

How DOUBLE CHECK Makes a Difference: We liaise directly with past employers, human resources departments, and other relevant personnel to validate claims. With DOUBLE CHECK's verification, companies can rest assured that they're building their teams on genuine foundations.